Right now over 50 landfills are currently using our systems all over the United States
Super easy after we set it up we train as many people as you want for a day on site. In most cases they do not need any more after that but if they do we do remote training or onsite training whenever you want.
Nope not a one, that's why we are ok doing month by month contracts because if we are doing our job you will be using the system.
There is no Contract it is month by month
Email me at toddh@s3-az.com and I will send you over the monthly fee.
Call or Email us and we will get you set up for the free demo. If you don't like it after 30 days your pay nothing.
CAD files for the fill plans and any other models you want loaded into the unit.
Control point files for site that are in the same coordinate system as the CAD files (aerial panels work)
We will use these to calibrate your site
Any other relevant information you’d like us to have
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